Lake Street Shadows...
The "L" tracks over Lake Street stretch on for more than six and a half miles west of where the train turns onto Lake from Wabash Avenue.
I was over in the West Loop Gate area (or whatever it is being called this week) and standing in the middle of W Lake Street near N. Sangamon, looking west as the tracks cast their shadow onto the street below, I felt this interesting block of light effect...
I have always been a bit fascinated by the incredibly long path that the tracks take over the street, here are a few more shots from this past weekend.
I was over in the West Loop Gate area (or whatever it is being called this week) and standing in the middle of W Lake Street near N. Sangamon, looking west as the tracks cast their shadow onto the street below, I felt this interesting block of light effect...
I have always been a bit fascinated by the incredibly long path that the tracks take over the street, here are a few more shots from this past weekend.
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