This nearly wraps up my series ( I am running out, but rest assured, there are more, and I will do occasional posts).
W Calhoun Place is perhaps the longest of the lesser known streets in the Loop. Running from Wacker to State between Madison and Washington, This street has several unexpected surprises.
There are more street signs for W Calhoun than for any of the other streets in my unknown series. Here is just four of the many I found.

This very small alley off of W Calhoun is just right for someone in the know about parking. There were two cars here (the second one is behind the one you can see), and they both had to back in.

The block between LaSalle and Clark is probably the stretch where I found the most unexpected finds. This glass block wall is the other side of the back wall of a building lobby.

Architectural detail is unexpected mid-block, but this is the SW corner of what was once the Chicago Title and Trust Building (ca 1913, at 111 W Washington). The rounded corner is a treat.

Sandwiched between 111 W Washington and the building to the west of is it this corridor connecting W Calhoun to W Washington Street.

Completely unexpected in this block is a storefront for Subway, with a revolving door no less...


And finally a rare moment of sunshine looking west from State Street. The smell from those dumpsters and the noise of the garbage trucks which empty them, is the bane of my neighbors.

To visit more of my "Unknown Loop Streets" series, you can click on the links on the right column.